Democratic Republic of Iran جمهوری دموکراتیک ایران

The Only Way Forward

Rafsanjani to step down from all his positions if Karroubi is arrested. Could the Haghani Circle be completed?

rafsanjaniKhamenei1According to the website Etemadelli, Ayatollah Rafsanjani is reportedly saying that if Mehdi Karroubi is arrested, he will step down from his positions on the powerful Experts Council and Expediency Council.  This seems to be good news for Ahmedinejad and his allies, which have been trying to marginalize all the powerful clerics that disagree with their policies.  Another reason Ahmedinejad would love to see Rafsanjani go, is that Rafsanjani is the head of the two powerful bodies mentioned above.  His exit would mean leadership change in the councils.  First, the Experts Council, which would probably thrust Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi into the leadership postion, Ahmedinejad’s spiritual leader and one of the main architects of the stolen election.  Second, Ayatollah Jannati would probably take over the leadership of the Expediency Council.  He is currently head of the powerful Guardian Council and Co-founder of the Haghani schools along with Mesbah Yazdi.  This would give Ahmedinejad and company total control of the country.

yazdiThe only reason Mehdi Karroubi probably hasn’t been arrested to this day, is likely this threat to resign by Rafsanjani.  It has been reported elsewhere that Khamenei has issued the arrest for Karroubi a couple of weeks ago.  The delay could mean that Khamenei knows if Rafsanjani leaves, many of the conservative clerics and possibly conservatives in general would separate from this government  all together and that would leave Khamenei out on a limb.  He would basically be impotent and be puppeted by Ahmedinejad, the Haghani’s and the IRGC.  This would also leave Mesbah Yazdi as the probable successor to Khamenei, should his health take a turn for the worse, or more ominously, meet an untimely demise.  The Haghani Circle would be complete.  What remains unclear, is why haven’t Ahmedinejad and Co. arrested Karroubi yet, they surely want to.  The answer will probably be forthcoming this week, as Qods day approaches.


Filed under: Ahmedinejad, Ayatollahs, Guardian Council, iran election, Iran News, Karroubi, Rafsanjani, ایران iran, , , , , , , , , , ,

Mousavi Outlines The Minimum The Hardliners Can Do To Get The Nation Out Of The Current Crisis.

Mousavi-Green Path of FreedomMir Hossein Mousavi has issued a new statement explaining how he envisions the future and the role that the “Green Path of Hope,” the movement that he is founding, can play in it. The strongly-worded statement accuses Ayatollah Khamenei — without naming him — and the hardliners of distorting Islam, green path of hopeviolating the Constitution, destroying morality in society, and forgetting the ideals of the 1979 Revolution, the most important of which was political freedom for all.

He then went on to list the minimum the hardliners could do to get the country out of the current crisis:

  1. Forming a truth commission, one whose findings and verdicts are likely to be accepted by all sides, to investigate the violations of law, fraud during and after the election, and punishing those who were responsible.
  2. Revising the election law in such a way that free and fair elections can be held.
  3. Identifying and punishing those who were responsible for the crimes committed by all organs of the government, including military, police, and the media.
  4. Helping those who have been hurt and injured after the elections, especially those who have lost loved ones; releasing from prison all the campaign workers and political activists; dismissing the bogus charges against them; restoring their credibility, and ending all the threats against them.
  5. Putting into practice Article 168 of the Constitution by defining precisely what constitutes a political offense, and using a jury when the offenders are put on trial.
  6. Guaranteeing freedom of the press, and changing the biased behavior of the Voice and Visage in order to eliminate all the limitations on its programs so that the political parties can use the Voice and Visage to express their positions regarding various issues, and revising the law that governs the Voice and Visage to make it responsive to people’s demands.
  7. Putting to practice Article 44 of the Constitution regarding privatization so that private radio and television stations can also be created.
  8. Guaranteeing the right of the people to gather and demonstrate by putting into effect Article 27 of the Constitution.
  9. Passing legislation forbidding the military from intervening in political as well as economic affairs.

Read the full translation in english of Mousavi’s statement here…

Filed under: Ahmedinejad, Ayatollahs, Guardian Council, iran election, Iran News, میرحسین موسوی خامنه Mousavi, ایران iran, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Our perserverance is our sword, Our unity is our shield, AZADI… is our destiny!

Brave Women Of Iran

A special note we would like to share with the brave and beautiful women of Iran; You have shown extraordinary courage, passion, pride, humility and humanity in the face of great injustice. The world has taken notice and we are all humbled by your strength and determination. If you are the future, then we all are comforted by how bright it will shine.

The One Who Wishes To Move A Mountain, Must Start By Removing Stones

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